Zhiwei Zhang, male
Associate Professor
Physical Oceanography Lab., Ocean University of CHINA.
Email: zzw330@ouc.edu.cn
Education Experience:
09/2011 – 06/2016, Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Doctor’s Degree.
09/2007 – 06/2011, Marine Science, Ocean University of China, Bachelor's Degree.
Work Experience:
07/2016 – 12/2018, Assistant Professor, Physical Oceanography Lab., Ocean University of China.
01/2019 – , Associate Professor, Physical Oceanography Lab., Ocean University of China.
Short Bio:
Dr. Zhang is an associate professor and graduate student supervisor in Physical Oceanography Lab., Ocean University of China.His research focuses on the meso- to small-scale dynamics in the ocean. The main research achievements includes: he has revealed the full-depth 3D tilted structure of mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea, and clarified the generation, evolution, and dissipation mechanisms of these mesocale eddies; he has revealed the latitude-dependent distribution and driving mechanisms of turbulent mixing the tropical and extra-tropical Pacific upper ocean; he has discovered and named a new type of submesoscale coherent vortices in the northwestern Pacific and evaluated their influence on the water transport and ocean mixing.Dr. Zhang is now supported by three National projects, and he has published more than 20 peer-review papers in the journals such as Nature Communications, JPO, GRL, JGR etc.He has also visited the University of Hawaii and UCLA for collaborative researches for many times.